Embrace Your Bossy Woo!

“Empower Your Mind, Align Your Spirit, Transform Your Life.”


Do you long for deeper clarity and confidence to take charge of your life?

Are you ready to live boldly and align your actions with your heart and soul?

Do you feel called to create a life of purpose, but don’t know where to start?

Is your spirit craving a shift from merely existing to thriving on your own terms?


What You Desire

  • Discovering the clarity and confidence to live a purpose-driven life

  • Making a meaningful impact that aligns with your true self

  • Embracing each day with enthusiasm and a sense of fulfillment

  • Experiencing deep happiness and a life that feels authentically yours


Embrace Your Bossy Woo™!

Bossy Woo™ is all about harnessing your inner strength and intuition to create a life that truly reflects who you are. It’s about blending assertiveness with a touch of magic and taking bold steps while staying true to your unique self.

Embrace your Bossy Woo™ and let it shine. Whether you’re setting ambitious goals, manifesting your dreams, or confidently stepping into your true power, do it with flair and authenticity.




Special Report

‘5 Steps to Discover Your Passions and Live Your Dreams’


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My Approach & Philosophy

I believe that all the answers we seek are already within us. They come through our connection with the Divine. Sometimes, we just need a little help uncovering that connection, and that’s where I come in.

I believe in the power of self-healing. When we balance every aspect of our lives—mind, body, and spirit—we unlock our potential to heal, grow, and achieve anything we desire. This balance allows us to live with purpose, vitality, and a deeper sense of peace.

I blend traditional and alternative healing methods, creating a tailored experience for each client. Whether you’re dealing with physical, emotional, or spiritual challenges, I use a combination of practical techniques, intuitive guidance, and holistic modalities to help you break through barriers and restore harmony in your life.

My goal is to guide you back to yourself—to the inner wisdom and power you already possess. Through our work together, you’ll reconnect with your intuition, regain balance, and awaken your soul’s deepest desires.

Let’s talk and discover how you can begin to heal and transform. Click below to schedule your Bossy Woo™ Clarity Call.



Your Coach


Valerie Holden

With a blend of intuitive insight and over 20 years of experience as a police officer, Valerie quickly identifies the blocks standing between you and your goals. Her approach combines practical techniques with alternative modalities and spiritual principles to help you break through obstacles and live the life you truly desire.

Services provided are not a replacement for medical attention. Please consult a physician if necessary.



Raving Fans







































"Love this place and Valerie. She is top-notch, not sure where I would be without her help, but thanks to her, I am a better version of myself. I had to take the first step, of course, and reach out—and I am so glad I did! I am excited to live a better life and experience what my happier future holds for me. Now that the chains are gone that restricted so much of me, I feel freer than I ever have! Thank you, Valerie. ♥️”
– Teresa S.


"Before working with Valerie, I was 80 pounds heavier than I wanted to be. I felt sluggish and out of shape. I was embarrassed that I had gained so much weight, and I had a closet full of clothes that didn’t fit. Following Valerie’s program, my life improved tremendously. I started eating healthier foods and became active. I lost 70 pounds, my health improved, I started playing sports again, and my old clothes finally fit. The most significant result was how great I feel, physically and mentally.”
– Steven Beck


“Having a past life regression session really gave me insight into why things are happening to me today. It was amazing.”
– Cheryl M.


“I wasn’t sure if I was ready to quit smoking, but after only one session, I am smoking less. Amazing! Thank you, Valerie.”
– Judy H.


“I wanted to stop eating donuts at work. Ever since my session with Valerie, I have not eaten any donuts and I lost 4 pounds. Yea!”
– Becky P.


“I had intense pain in my leg for years. After hypnosis sessions, I still have some pain, but the intensity has lessened greatly and I can walk around a lot easier. I highly recommend Valerie.”
– Brent K.

Want to explore whether we’re meant to work with each other?
Book your 30-minute, no-obligation, complimentary Bossy Woo Clarity Call.

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Want to explore whether we’re meant to work with each other?
Book your 45 minute no obligation complimentary session.

Schedule now